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Blog 005

Heya x (Trying to make this become my thing .. is it working? Pls say yes .. )

How are you lovelies? All good? 

As you guys know (or may imagine), starting something from scratch is not easy, things may go wrong (like not actually managing to launch your site on time because you had no idea how long that would actually take .. anyways) but, we made it! (we .. me .. team effort I guess) 

So four weeks ago, I had my mini lil launch which obviously was very small (literally it was just me happy dancing in my room) due to the fact that no-one knows about this blog yet (I hope!) and it’s because no one knows what I’m doing except my very supportive boyfriend and my amazing cousin that proof reads all these posts cause .. well .. sometimes what I write doesn’t reflect what I would like to say. 

When trying to think of what I wanted to do, the same thoughts kept circling my mind which were, I wanted this something to be me, something authentic, something which is true (we already live in a world full of expectations and standards) and something that will leave an impact on the rest of us, just like these life events left on me.

Then, there was another thing after figuring out what I wanted to do - how can I make it me (mine). 

Just like anything else in life, you want to be true and authentic to yourself and your passions. There are quite a good amount of bloggers here in Malta and I wouldn’t say I’m the first “Mental Health” Blogger out there, but I’m just doing it my way. 

In the midst of thinking about this new and original way of writing my blogs, it crossed my mind - how many battles and little episodes I went through life, until I found myself. 

Finding yourself in a world full of expectations and chaos is not easy, you may be accused of wanting to be someone just because you look up to them, you might be accused of just fitting in because you don’t want to take risks and you also might be accused of going with the flow because well, you don’t really care.

Growing up I NEVER (caps to make an emphasis) fit in. 

When the girls my age started liking ballet - I started liking football but, that meant that I was gay, right?

When the girls my age started dating boys - I started reading the Harry Potter saga, that meant that I was socially awkward, right?

When the girls my age bought their first Fiat 500 - I learnt how to drift in my friends old BMW, that meant that I definitely wanted his attention, right?


When the girls my age all started getting cosmetic surgeries - I started loving myself and slowly accepting my own body, that meant that I didn’t afford the surgeries, right?

For some reason, these comments never bothered me (Okay, I’m straight up lying, they used to bother me and I used to journal about it a lot nowadays, I’m unbothered lol) I always adapted to that idea that, I must be doing something right if I’m the topic of conversation, right? I sure hope so let’s say that. 

That’s how, I managed to write my first blog post, by just being me. 

I sat down, got my laptop, put on a vibey little playlist and poured my thoughts out as if I’m having a chat with my best friend. 

What I want you guys to take out of this post is :

  • Never be someone who you’re not, even if your friends urge you to “fit in”

  • Never go through with a decision you’re not totally sure of, it’s fine, think about it more

  • Never let that little kid in you die, no matter what everyone says. 

If you look up to someone that in your eyes is the purest version of themselves, go up to them and tell them what they did that got them there.

If you want to do something that is out of norm for your society or gender, find someone that is willing to teach you and do it right.

If you want to start your own “thing” or feel like maybe a small portion of people might benefit from your “thing”, do it. (That’s what I did)

If you want to be the unapologetic and weird person that you are, be you, no one really cares. 

I want you, to be you.

Don’t exist in this world, live, truly and freely. 

With that, it’s my time to log off! 

Thank you for your support throughout my blogging journey, I appreciate everyone that reads, shares, likes and also messages! Xxx

Peace and Love 🤎

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