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Blog 006

Heya x




Some of you might’ve chuckled when you read that word, it can mean so much .. and it can mean so very little!


Sometimes, life will just happen. You will cross paths with new people, you might get approached with a new business venture (ok that only happens in movies but you get what I mean), you can take one decision that will turn your life 360 … would you call that a “coincidence”.


I wouldn’t.


I’m not one that believes in the universe .. well let’s say I never did .. but maybe I am now. Life has taught me that yes, everything happens for a reason – no the universe will not provide you things if you manifest it only if you work for it, but it will help your life fall together once that you start healing and you start living your own life for you.


When you’re the main character in your storyline, the universe might send you the “perfect” (it’s written like that for a reason) soulmate, the universe might send you the “best” job offer and the universe might send you an opportunity to grab life by the handles (you knew what I wanted to say but I can’t say it .. ) and make it your own.


New things will always cross our way, sometimes they might be too good to be true hence why we tend to say “This is a coincidence” .. well I’m here to tell you that no, the things that happen are no coincidence. My last 20-something years in life have taught me that every single time I say “What a coincidence” it would have just been a result of an action that maybe I took months ago or maybe the universe is finally sending an opportunity my way that she (yes we do believe that God and the Universe are a Woman .. just like Ari said) knew I always wanted or needed.


Stop trying to discredit your late nights, your endless sessions trying to prove yourself and the thought that “one day, I will make it too” – not taking those opportunities because they seem “too good to be true” or because “it’s just a coincidence” will not cut it in life.


Would you have not replied to that “weird” guy/girl if you knew for a fact that he would’ve made you the happiest person ever?

Would you have reject that job offer if you knew for a fact it would have lead you to being the best version of you?

Would you have ignored your parents when they told you “go for it, we will support you” if you knew for a fact that it would’ve been the best decision ever?


I don’t think so.


Stop blaming it on coincidences.

Stop trying to find the right time.


Start doing, who knows, it might be the best thing you do, for you x


“I believe that the most important single thing, beyond discipline and creativity, is daring to dare.” – Maya Angelou


Dare yourself, it’s worth it.


Much Love,

OC 🤎


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